Score Gallery

Gallery of selected nontraditional scores. The single-page visual score is an approach to music composition developed specifically for the format of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic. My research behind this approach is summarized in this article published on Classical Music Daily (U.K.).

“Selfie” for solo piano, a visual transcription of the composer’s face into notes on sheet music. Example of a 21st-century graphic notation score in a contemporary tradition of Augenmusik (“eye music”). Sample performance here.
“On Liberty – an Augenmusik Piano Suite”, a transcription of the Statue of Liberty into notated music in a one-page score; full-album performance recording (46 minutes) of this piece available through Arpaviva Recordings on September 23, 2022. Performance recordings here. (More information here.)
“Mascagni a Cerignola” – the world’s first Augenmusik (“eye music”) opera, a transcription of the face of Pietro Mascagni into an opera telling a story of his life. This poster shows the complete score (the score by itself can be seen here). Premiered October 2024 (see full performance video here).
“The New Normal”, an opera for the age of COVID-19. An open-form opera for open ensemble. Sample performance here.
“Calendar Music”; this piece includes nonstandard key signatures, in the tradition of Bartók.
“The Experiment Entrusted” for solo piano, a visual transcription of the face of George Washington into notes on sheet music. The title is from his first inaugural address. Example of a 21st-century graphic notation score in a contemporary tradition of Augenmusik (“eye music”). Sample performance here.
“Weather Music” for open instrumentation. Sample performance here.
“Index Card Symphony” for a large open ensemble. Sample performance here.
An excerpt of “The Rhodora” for SATB choir in Prevedini notation. Prevedini notation is a way to notate music in the octave-based 12-tone equal-tempered system on a linear visual grid without the need for accidentals, key signatures, or rhythmic value symbols. To learn more about how it works (and how it differs from other alternative notation systems to which might bear a superficial resemblance), you can read this introductory pamphlet. In addition, you can hear a performance recording of “The Rhodora” here and see the same piece in traditional notation.

“Every Valley” for solo piano. This is an example of my work in a genre I call the narrative-title suite, a type of instrumental music I developed for the purpose of conveying narrative prose through a holistically-conceived sequence of movement titles, ultimately allowing for stories with fully-developed plots, characters, and dialogue. This enables a fusion of music and literature without the need for any additional text to be spoken, displayed, or sung during the performance. Sample performance here.
“A Question” for solo piano
“Music Without Sound, No. 1”
“In the Balance” for unspecified instruments, an Augenmusik (“eye music”) composition notated in the shape of a balance scale. Sample performance here.